12 Things You Should Know about Alligators and Everglades Wildlife

12 Things You Should Know about Alligators and Everglades Wildlife

12 Things You Should Know about Alligators and Everglades Wildlife

If you’re curious about alligators and other wildlife in the Everglades, you’re in luck! We’ve put together 12 interesting things you might want to know. Whether you’re thinking about vacationing in the Everglades or looking things up after you’ve already been there, you’ll find these blog posts informative:

  1. What Is an Alligator?
  2. What’s the Difference between Alligators and Crocodiles?
  3. How Big Are Alligators?
  4. How Fast Can Alligators Run?
  5. What Alligators Eat
  6. Alligator Reproduction: Ladies Appreciate a Fellow Who Can Bellow
  7. Are Alligators Endangered?
  8. Where to See Alligators
  9. Fun Alligator Facts and Trivia
  10. Birds of the Everglades
  11. Burmese Pythons in the Everglades
  12. Mammals in the Everglades

You can also download all of these articles in one convenient, free eBook, 12 Things You Should Know about Alligators and Everglades Wildlife!